International Conference – Maxim Kantor’s “The Last Judgment” – Luxembourg, June 28-30 2019

  • Posted on: 3 June 2019
  • By: alessandro.carrieri

Maxim Kantor’s “The Last Judgment”
International Conference at Saint-Michael’s Church, Luxembourg / June 28-30, 2019


Day one – June 28, 2019 – Part I

14:00 - Registration
14:30 - Conference Opening – Opening Remarks
15:00 - H. E. Amb. Guy de Muyser, Maxim Kantor and Luxembourg
15:30 - Dr. Malgorzata Nowara (MNHA), Maxime Kantor et Le Jugement dernier dans la collection du Musée national d’histoire et d’art

16:00 - Pause

16:30 - Prof. Dr. Georg Mein (University of Luxembourg), Das Jüngste Gericht unter der Perspektive des Erhabenen
17:00 - Prof. Dr. Gianluca Cuozzo (Università degli Studi di Torino), Maxim Kantor und die bildhafte Einfaltung der Zeiten
17:30 - End of the Part I

Evening Program – Part II

18:30 - Maxim Kantor presents The Last Judgment
Anton Webern, Six Bagatelles for String Quartet, followed by
Franz Schubert, String Quartet No. 12 in c-moll, performed by Ensemble Almondo

Introduction by Prof. Dr. Jean Ehret

Lectio magistralis by Maxim Kantor: Painting. Presence and Meaning
(traduction simultanée en français)

Transition by Prof. Dr. Georg Mein

Dimitri Schostakowitsch, String Quartet 8, Op. 110, performed by Ensemble Almondo

Day two – June 29, 2019 – Part III

09:00 - Dr. Andrew Teal (University of Oxford), Maxim Kantor and the Representation of Christian Humanism
09:30 - Dr. Harald Wydra (University of Cambridge), Interdividuality and Reflective Justice
10:00 - Prof. Dr. Christian Illies (University of Bamberg), Books on the Screen

10:30 - Pause

11:00 - Prof. Dr. Ignace Berten, Apocalypse Now?
11:30 - Prof. Dr. Jean Ehret (LSRS), Maxim Kantor and the Theology of the Last Judgment
12:00 - Concluding remarks

Day three – June 30, 2019 – Part IV

10:30 - Presentazione in lingua italiana
11:00 - Eucharist in Saint-Michael’s Church (in Italian)
Chorale Saint-Michel

Organization Committee
Prof. Dr. Jean Ehret, Director, Luxembourg School of Religion & Society
Prof. Dr. Georg Mein, Dean, University of Luxembourg
Prof. Dr. Michel Polfer, Director, Musée National d’Histoire et d’Art

Musical Performance by “Ensemble Almondo”
Alvaro Palmen, violin
Anna Isabel Fritz, violin
Martina Horejsi-Kiefer, viola
Daniel Raabe, violoncello

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